Tuesday, May 29, 2012

BEST Tribal Sun Tattoo Design

BEST Tribal Sun Tattoo Design, tattoo trend, tattoo trend design, tattoo inspiration, new tattoo trend design
For some tribes the warmth of the sun was sign of good climate and therefore protect from the harsh forms of nature. Therefore tattooing the image of the sun upon the skin would bring protection.
Tribal tattoos for women are usually exotic and represent a unique culture. Most are adorned as symbols or wild designs that reflect ideas and values of a people. Aside from historical significance a tribal sun tattoo today is often a sign of inner strength and power. This comes from the idea that the sun is the sole provider of life and strength for earth, just as a person’s own inner strength is the provider of their life. Tribal sun tattoos can be filled with colors and symbols or they can be a simple black design. Usually the style and color the tribal sun tattoo is based on the personality and belief of the person with the tattoo.


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